Becoming a Vendor
We are very excited to be returning to Percival Landing for the 2025 Olympia Wooden Boat Festival on May 10 & 11!
We look forward to the opportunity to see all our returning artists as well as meet new ones who will be joining us for the very first time. The Olympia Wooden Boat Festival is an equal opportunity event and free to the public.
We will jury the first group of submitted vendor applications at the end of October. After that, we will jury vendor applications on a weekly or biweekly basis.
Your Olympia Wooden Boat Vendor Booth Conformation letter with booth location information will be emailed to you upon acceptance to the 2025 Olympia Wooden Boat Festival.
You can apply as a vendor for the 2025 Olympia Wooden Boat Festival by mailing the below application to the below address or by applying digitally on BoothCentral.
Please make checks payable to OWBFA or Olympia Wooden Boat Festival:
Olympia Wooden Boat Festival
PO Box 2035
Olympia, WA 98507
Event Coordinator / Executive Director
Megan Ready 360-515-8444
(Texting is the quickest way to contact Megan, but phone calls and emails [] are always welcome).
Important Vendor Dates & Information
Please make note of the following reminders:
Friday, May 9 - Some vendors set up in the afternoon (food vendors must set up on Friday).
Saturday, May 10 - All vendors set up by 9AM with walkways cleared.
Saturday, May 10 - Festival is open from 10AM to 6PM.
Sunday, May 11 - Festival is open from 11AM to 5PM.
*No early tear down allowed, and you must man your booth the entire time the event is open.
*No stakes, nails etc. in the ground or boardwalk.
*You are responsible for ensuring your booth is secured, we sometimes get wind in the evening being on the waterfront.
*No refunds will be given after you are accepted, if you are not selected to participate, we will return your payment at our earliest convenience.